19 Jan 2015

January + February 2015

Monday 26 January 2015 @ 7:30 pm
Canadian Archaeology in Greece
Dr. David Rupp, Canadian Institute in Greece

Dr. David Rupp, President of the Canadian Institute in Greece and Professor Emeritus, Brock University, will speak on the history and work of the Canadian Institute in Greece (formerly the Canadian Archaeological Institute at Athens). While the work of the Institute principally involves archaeological excavations from Lesbos to Euboea and from Thrace to Boeotia it also supports surveys varying from Carpathos to Crete to the Argolid. It also has a cultural role in Athens sponsoring exhibitions, concerts, films and other activities and supports the work of Canadian scholars and students in any area concerning Greece.

Monday 23 February 2015 @ 7:30 pm
Ancient Judaism and Hellenism
Dr. Gregg E. Gardner
UBC Diamond Chair in Jewish Law and Ethics

Judaism and Hellenism have often been pitted against each other as irreconcilable opposites. No historical epoch epitomizes this more than the revolt of the Jewish Maccabees against Hellenistic rule in the Second Century B.C.E. – a series of events that has marked ever since by the holiday of Hannukah. But did the ancient Jews simply reject Hellenism or did they take a more nuanced and sophisticated approach to Greek culture? Professor Gardner will explore Judaism’s complex relationship with Hellenism by examining ancient texts (in English translation) and archaeological finds.