10 Oct 2013

October + November 2013

Monday 28 October 2013
Through Greece on a MOOC
Gwyneth Lewis, Coordinator Classical Studies, Langara College

Last summer I visited Greece, with more than a dozen guides: it was a virtual visit.  I took a MOOK* called 'Archaeology's Dirty Little Secrets' under the direction of the eminent archaeologist of the Greek world, Sue Alcock.  But she was not my sole guide to Greece.  More than 37,000 students from more than 100 countries were enrolled in the course, writing assignments and discussing their interests on line.  Among them were students from many different parts of Greece, very proud not only of the Acropolis and Knossos, but also of sites near their homes.  I learned about discoveries and sites I had never heard of, from Minoan olives in a well, to 19th Century sulphur mines on Melos.  Collectively, these students were my Odysseus, taking me on a new journey in a land I thought I knew well. 

* and I'll explain what  MOOC is

Monday 25 November 2013

Imagining Ancient Lives
Annabel Lyon

Vancouver author Annabel Lyuon will discuss the influences and inspirations behind her most recent novel, The Sweet Girl.  Her two highly acclaimed novels, The Golden Mean and The Sweet Girl are set in ancient Greece, and feature tha philosopher Aristotle and his daughter, Pythias.  Lyan will read from her works, and discuss what it takes to set a novel in ancient times.

With exquisite skill, the author evokes Pythias and herfamily as credible members of a community that existed more than two millennia ago.  (Washington Times)

30 Apr 2013

March + April 2013

Monday 25 March 2013 at 7:30 pm

The Origins of the Sexes in Hesiod's Poetry
Christopher Morrissey,
Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Redeemer Pacific College, Trinity Western University

Hesiod’s creative accomplishment is a stunning feat of speculation. For the first time in Greek thought, a writer gives a dynamic account of the entire order of existence. Hesiod’s poetry explores the origins of humans: the first woman, Pandora, and the Gold, Silver, Bronze, Heroic, and Iron Ages of men. Hesiod, Greece's second great poet, was composing just after Homer, around 700 BC. Morrissey specializes in philosophical theology and his recent focus has been on its genesis in the monotheistic speculations of Hesiod and Plato. He has also published on the mediaeval Latin philosophy of Thomas Aquinas and his commentcatorial tradition

Monday 29 April 2013 at 7:30pm

Influence of the Music of the Greeks of Asia Minor on that of Mainland Greece
Musiki Parea

Musiki Parea will share its exploration of the music of the Greeks of Asia Minor, highlighting its relationship with Turkish music from the same area, and how that influenced music in Greece. The band will present the scales, themes, rhythms, and other aspects of this music in a way that is accessible to those with musical training and those without.

Musiki Parea has been in existence since the year 2000, growing out of the musicians’ love of Modern Greek culture, especially music.  The original band members, none of whom are ethnically Greek, first met at a Balkan music camp in California; others have been added through the years.   This is Musiki Parea’s first appearance at Pharos.

20 Jan 2013

January + February 2013

Monday 28 January 2013 at 7:30 pm

Unraveling Sacred Mysteries: Cult Centers in Roman Macedonia
Katherine  Crawford,
UBC Department of Classical, Near East & Religious Studies

The Egyptian goddess Isis’ position amongst the mystery cults of the Greco-Roman world enveloped the cult in mystery and speculation. Despite the cult’s popularity, evidence for its practice within Roman Macedonia remains relatively scarce. This talk will explore the cult of Isis and its position amidst the cities of Philippi, Dion, and Amphipolis. These cities were considered important religious centers during the Roman period and excavations have revealed evidence of Egyptian temple structures. How the cult of Isis was incorporated into the religious environment of these cities will provide an indication as to its reception and importance in comparison to other religious structures.
Monday 25 February 2013 at 7:30pm
Archaeology of Houses and Households in Ancient Crete
Prof Kevin Glowacki,
Department of Architecture, Texas A & M University
Kevin Glowacki is an archaeologist specializing in the domestic architecture of the ancient Mediterranean. This lecture will discuss current archaeological approaches to the study of ancient dwellings, families and communities on the island of Crete. Through several case studies, Dr. Glowacki will explore how researchers work to find meaningful relationships between the "house" (the physical, architectural structures and associated features most commonly encountered in the archaeological record) and the "household" (the people and groups who lived, worked and interacted in these areas).